Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Instinct, Intellect, Intuition

A few thoughts on the place of the instinct, intellect and intuition in yoga. If we stay with the definitions given in the Perennial Psychology of the Bhagavad Gita we find something interesting. Instinct is that gut feeling that we have about something. Intellect is our reasoning ability, our ability to decide on something. That's my final decision, like in who wants to be a millionaire. Intuition is a spiritual thing and what we aspire to develop even though we may not be able to acknowledge it. The goal of human life is happiness and true happiness is living from our intuition, and meditation is a way to develop it.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Just saw a news blurb about a new book Soul Survival. It is the story of a young boy who had nightmares about crashing to his death in a plane during an air battle. The dreams turned out to be the child actually remembering facts that happened at the battle of Iwo Jima. This story on some level corroborates what people like Ian Stevenson have uncovered regarding past lives.

Stevenson and his colleagues have written a lot on this matter. It is difficult to believe the story of this young boy, but all indications are that this incidence is worth looking into, and that reincarnation is not just something written about in a book. The East takes reincarnation for granted. One note, the event being discussed is more properly called transmigration versus reincarnation. Reincarnation implies some level of conscious moving into a new body. This has not been the case here in this case, but isn’t this fascinating in any case. Check out the video: